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We are the people who died from all of our wars,

We died in Europe, Africa, Pacific and American shores.

We died in jungles, caves, ships, and spits of land,

We bled on grass, steel, coral and sand.


We died to preserve our liberty and freedom to pass down to you,

And that someday you might have to give your life too.

Our freedoms are worth our great sacrifice,

But people today would rather compromise.


If you give up your freedoms for peace and security,

And if you allow them to cut down the tree of liberty,

Then you will have neither, you’ll see,

And you’ll condemn others to tyranny.


If you don’t stand up for our nation’s liberty,

You will die in total obscurity.

We plead you to take on yourself our great fight,

Please keep our nation from losing the light.


We were proud to be the light of the world,

But this darkness is now being unfurled.

Patriots must line up and take their stand,

They must restore liberty and justice to our land.


Don’t let our sacrifice to have been in vain,

Stop the tyranny and restore freedoms reign.

Even if it means adding your own life,

To those willing to be a sacrifice.


Don’t let the tree of liberty die in your day,

And your children be subjected to pay.

Don’t let us to have died for an empty hope,

Don’t let evil enlarge its cold scope.


We gladly laid down our lives for you,

Knowing you might have to too.

Please don’t let it all end in this way,

Take your stand for freedom today.

By Ron Howard 09/14/13


2010 - present

2010 - present

Sample Poem


That's why we died for you
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